
Marketing is just like tasty foods


Marketing is just like tasty foods

This is the basic marketing, all you need to do is serve quality with a good topping. And remember to make each and every bite of your food tasty. Each bite you take is enhanced with super tasty flavors, which is the major thing that must be put up in your marketing funnel to make it attractive and keep up the retention rate.

When it comes to the best foods, have you ever thought about why it makes sense to your taste buds about the last food you ate and the spot you ate. This is the basic marketing, all you need to do is serve quality with a good topping. And remember to make each and every bite of your food tasty. Each bite you take is enhanced with super tasty flavors, which is the major thing that must be put up in your marketing funnel to make it attractive and keep up the retention rate. The way you serve food is also important, that is the same way your ads must reach your audience. Each and every person is seeing multiple ads nowadays, but how do they make a long lasting impression? It is with the quality of the ads they see. This is the quality that you must bring into your creatives. And if you need training customers, please don’t forget to implement the flywheel strategy, so that people keep coming back. Now comes the next big question, how to Acquire customers with a minimum amount of money so that you can draw the best out of them through retention. It’s always easy to acquire customers and the tough game is how to retain them. This must be planned in such a way there must be equal rewards to the audience who feels and connects with you. CAC must always be less than the LTV of the users. And for this analytics to come into place, you need to understand the touch points and see how these touch points are effectively affecting the audience or influencing the audience. Calculate the bounce rate, page scroll rate and x,y,z factors so that they never get missed out from the flywheel strategy you have implemented. Serving the ads, by knowing the x,y,z factors of your audience is important. As this helps you track the user flow and path of your audience. This path must be leveraged inorder to learn the buyer journey of your audience. This is crucial when it comes to marketing. Reaching out and learning about each touch point, there might be 5 or 6 touchpoints, this will help you create a well strategized user onboarding strategy. Now implementing this will help you onboard clients quickly, convert leads with snap of a finger, because you know what they need and what they want. Use these needs and wants to create a compelling pitch. This helps you close them. #

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